Why do my legs itch at night

Why do my legs itch at night - find out

Many people, especially women, notice that at night they have an itch in their legs, which is sometimes even perceived with some intensity. It is an annoying situation that also makes it difficult to fall asleep and rest properly. Besides, sometimes it generates other types of problems because skin conditions occur due to the need to scratch.

But Why do my legs itch at night? The causes for this itching are varied. Behind it there may be from circulation problems, dry skin, an allergy to a cream or some eczema. In OneHOWTO we are going to answer this question.

Causes of itchy legs at night

One of the main causes of your legs itching at night is skin problems. And these can be diverse and have their origin in different conditions or simply due to the lack of adequate care.

  • Dry skin: this is one of the reasons behind itchy legs at night. The key is that, when the dermis is not well hydrated and nourished, it becomes dry and, consequently, it feels tighter. This makes it itchy. In addition, itching is not only caused by lack of care, but also by showering with excessively hot water, which also has a drying effect.
  • Poor hygiene: just as letting sweat accumulate on the skin is an unhealthy gesture that causes itching to appear.
  • Hair removal: this is another factor that influences night itchiness. On many occasions, the legs are subjected to quick waxing that damages the skin, as can happen with a wax that is too hot or a bad use of the blade. It is always important to remove the hair properly and, of course, apply a cream afterwards to repair the skin and soothe any discomfort that may appear. Among the most recommended are those of aloe vera. On other occasions, the itch is due to the new hair being born and, until it comes out of the skin, it is usual that these discomforts are generated.
  • Clothes: Either the use of certain detergents or fabric softeners for the washing machine, as well as bath gels or soaps, can cause that itchiness due to being allergic to any of the components. This has an easy solution. Change the product and do not wear garments that do not use natural materials. That is, you have to avoid all those preparations with 100% synthetic fabrics.
Why Do My Legs Itch At Night - Find Out - Causes Of Itchy Legs At Night

Skin diseases that cause itchy legs at night

Some diseases can also cause itchy skin. This is the case of many infections that occur in the dermis due to the presence of germs, bacteria or fungi, among others:

  • Hairy keratosis: It is another possible cause of nocturnal itching in the lower extremities. It occurs because dead cells fall off the top layer of the skin, causing a blockage of the hair follicles. This gives way to pimples that appear pointy and itchy.
  • The Staphylococcus aureus: This produces folliculitis, which is manifested by red bumps that appear on the legs and that itch quite a bit as a result of infection by this bacterium.
  • Ringworm: It is another disease that can cause itching and that is manifested by circular skin conditions caused by this fungus, which requires medical treatment.

Itching of the legs at night due to changes in temperature

Changes in temperature also favor the appearance of itchy legs at night. A situation that is common to occur in bed. And it is that the contrast, for example, of the cold of winter with the heat of the blanket or quilt causes itching to be generated, which is relieved and reduced when clothes are removed from the bed or the legs are taken out of it.

This is sometimes accompanied by a Bad circulation. And it is that people who have circulatory problems also notice itching when, for example, they spend a lot of time sitting because blood flow is not facilitated or they do little exercise.

Restless legs syndrome

The so-called Restless legs syndrome It can also be behind the night itch. And it is that, frequently, that need to move them constantly is accompanied by a certain itching and itching, which is more intense when sitting or lying down, either in bed or on the sofa. If you want more information, you will find it here: What are the symptoms of restless legs syndrome.

These are some of the main causes with which we hope to have answered your question about why do my legs itch at night? We advise you to visit the doctor to explain the reason for this nocturnal itch and give you the most appropriate treatment.

Why Do My Legs Itch At Night - Find Out - Restless Legs Syndrome

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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