Why do I have punctures in my belly

Why do I have punctures in my belly

“My stomach pricks” or “My belly pricks.” These are two frequent phrases that reveal the discomfort that many people can suffer. Depending on whether they happen frequently or, rather, occasionally, we should be more concerned, although in most cases they are common conditions. Punctures in the gut are interpreted by many women as a symptom of pregnancy; however, do not jump to conclusions ahead of time. In fact, it is possible that stomach pain, also known as dyspepsia, is due to a food that has made you sick, causing poor digestion.

In this OneHowTo.com article we will review the different causes that answer the question “why do I have punctures in my belly”. In this way, it will be easier for you to establish a first approach to the problem and stay more calm. However, don’t forget to go to the doctor!

Why do I feel stitches in my belly: gas

One of the causes of why you feel more frequent stomach pricks is gas. This accumulation of air can be a real annoyance when someone is prone to them, but it does not usually indicate a health problem to worry about. On many occasions, gases are caused by eat too fast, or for being a very nervous person, since they tend to ingest more air.

On the other hand, it is possible that the punctures in the belly are due to gases generated by digestive intolerances or problems, which derive from foods that do not feel good to us. There are certain foods that are difficult to digest that can cause this type of discomfort and it is interesting to find out about them to see if they are responsible.

Why do I have pins and needles in my belly - Why do I feel pins and needles in my belly: gas

Why do I have stomach punctures: poor digestion

Without a doubt, another of the most frequent causes that can explain why you have punctures in the gut is poor digestion. In fact, we could relate it to the previous point, since a heavy digestion or having eaten spoiled food or those of us who are intolerant can generate gases that in turn cause punctures in the belly. Poor digestion is what is also known as dyspepsia and is characterized by a difficulty in digesting food correctly. As a consequence, digestion takes place more slowly than usual and is accompanied by other symptoms such as stomach punctures, diarrhea or even vomiting, less frequently.

The causes of poor digestion can be various diseases of the digestive system, bad eating habits, food intolerances, food incompatibilities, etc. In any case, it is important to see a doctor in case they occur repeatedly. In this article we explain how to treat poor digestion or dyspepsia.

Why do I have stomach punctures - Why do I have stomach punctures: poor digestion

Causes of gut punctures: constipation

Constipation is perhaps one of the most common and well-known intestinal transit problems. It is characterized by a slow digestion of food and a difficult stool evacuation. In addition, this condition can be accompanied by other symptoms such as flatulence, stomach pricks, tummy ache, lack of appetite, etc. In general, constipation appears as a result of poor lifestyle habits, mainly in the diet that is carried out. Thus, a lack of fiber is usually the main cause of constipation. For this reason, it is important to include foods rich in fiber in the diet, in order to facilitate the expulsion of feces and avoid feeling pricks in the gut.

Constipation is usually more common among children and the elderly, although anyone can suffer from this condition on occasion. In this article we explain in detail how to treat constipation so that you can relieve punctures in the belly.

Why do I have stomach punctures - Causes of stomach punctures: constipation

Stomach infections

There are certain viruses and bacteria that can affect the digestive system and cause different symptoms, among which are punctures in the stomach. It is easy for these microorganisms to come into contact with our digestive system, since they can be found in water that has not been properly treated or in food that has been washed with such water. The most frequent conditions in these cases are two:

  • Stomach flu. It consists of an inflammation of the intestine also known as stomach flu. Among the most common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever, chills, weight loss, muscle pain, and general malaise.
  • Salmonellosis. It is one of the most frequent food poisoning that takes place when we consume or are in contact with a food or product that contains the salmonella bacteria. The main foods in which this bacterium is found are eggs and foods made with this product. The most frequent symptoms are pains or stitches in the belly, vomiting and diarrhea, among others. It is important to visit the doctor as soon as these symptoms are detected, especially if those who suffer from them are children or the elderly, since salmonellosis can cause dehydration and other more serious problems.
Why do I have stomach punctures - Stomach infections

Stitches in the belly: ulcer in the stomach

Another cause that answers the question why I feel stomach pricks is the presence of an ulcer. Certain foods can increase the creation of gastric acids that weaken the lining of the stomach lining. As a consequence, this erosion ends up causing an ulcer that, after all, is still a wound. As this wound exists, every time we consume food, the gastric juices come into contact with the ulcer, which can cause you to feel stitches in the stomach. Other symptoms of stomach ulcers are: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dark stools, heartburn and fatigue.

Stitches in the gut: menstruation

One of the first things that can come to mind in the case of being a woman and feeling pricks in the stomach is the possibility of being pregnant. While it is true that feeling pangs in the belly, especially between the ovaries and the navel can be a symptom of pregnancy, it can also derive from other conditions such as those we have explained above. Similarly, feeling a pinch in the belly can be a menstruation symptom. In the event that you have experienced any delay, it is best to make sure you take a pregnancy test. In this article on how to use a pregnancy test you can find helpful information.

Why do I have punctures in my belly - Punctures in the gut: menstruation

Stitches in the gut: appendicitis

Appendicitis occurs when our appendix becomes inflamed. The appendix is ​​a piece of the large intestine located in the lower abdomen and can cause severe punctures in the belly. It is essential to see a doctor quickly, since otherwise it could lead to peritonitis, that is, inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the intestine. In this article you can find out how to detect appendicitis. Once the appendix begins to swell, the pain usually appears quickly and can be very intense. In this article you can see in more detail what appendicitis pain is like.

Why Do I Have Stitches In My Belly - Stitches In The Gut: Appendicitis

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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