Why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth

Why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth

Get up in the morning with a light Bitter taste in the mouth It is a somewhat uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation, but in general this is something very common that with a simple tooth brushing and the use of a mouthwash it can disappear in just a few moments. Now, there are other cases in which that bitterness in the oral cavity is maintained for much of the day or for long periods of time, something that could be indicating a certain health problem or a condition that does require medical attention. If you want to know what the causes of this situation may be, keep reading this OneHowTo article in which we answer the question of why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth.

Presence of anaerobic bacteria

Upon waking up in the morning, it is normal to notice a strange taste in the mouth, which in many cases can be described as a taste between sour and bitter. According to experts, this is caused by calls anaerobic bacteria, which are located just behind the tongue and release small amounts of sulfur. But why don’t we notice this sensation during the day? The reason is that during the day the saliva is responsible for making them disappear, however, at night our saliva production is considerably reduced and these bacteria remain in the mouth causing that unpleasant taste when we get up.

This is a normal situation that happens to all of us, so it is not a cause for concern or a sign of any condition that compromises the health of the body.

Dental cavities and conditions

On other occasions, the answer to the question of why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth is found precisely in this cavity, and it is that a certain oral disease or poor hygiene they can be responsible for bitterness and bad breath.

Advanced cavities, dental abscesses, periodontal disease, mouth infections, gingivitis, gum disease, phlegmons, and misplaced dentures can all be the cause of a constant bitter taste in your mouth. and continues. For this reason, it is essential to take extreme care of oral hygiene and go to the dentist as soon as possible in the case of suffering from any of these conditions, since the unpleasant taste will only disappear when the appropriate treatment has been received.

We must also point out that there are cases in which patients present sensitivity to some of the components of their toothpaste and, consequently, bitterness may appear in the mouth. In this case, it will only be necessary to change the usual toothpaste for one that does not incorporate these components in its formula.

Why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth - Tooth decay and conditions


Sinusitis is a condition that occurs with inflammation of the sinuses, which usually occurs due to a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Its main symptoms include general malaise, cough, fever, headaches, discomfort behind the eyes, facial sensitivity, nasal congestion, and sore throats.

To the above symptoms, we must also add in many cases a loss of the sense of smell and bad breath with a slightly bitter taste in the mouth. The latter appears due to the segregations of the nasal mucosaSince it is more sensitive, it lets more segregations fall into the mouth, which are rich in proteins and cause the bacteria responsible for bitterness to proliferate and multiply more markedly. All this leads to a increased sulfur production in the oral cavity, therefore generating a bad taste.


Jaundice refers to that yellowing that acquires the skin, mucous membranes and conjunctiva of the eyes when there is an excess of bilirubin in the blood. It is a symptom associated with the suffering of diseases, such as those that affect the liver, the gallbladder or the pancreas, although it can also appear due to the taking of some drugs, blood disorders or birth defects.

In some cases, jaundice may be accompanied by other symptoms such as darker urine, clay stools, itching and Bitter taste in the mouth more accentuated during the mornings. These symptoms can vary depending on the cause of the jaundice and, therefore, it is very important to see a doctor urgently for a check-up and to be able to treat the problem of origin.

Diseases that affect the liver

The functions that the liver performs are a priority for the body, since it is in charge of purifying the blood, eliminating accumulated toxins, synthesizing carbohydrates and lipids and metabolizing fats. Therefore, keeping it in perfect condition is essential to enjoy optimal health at all times.

However, when your health is compromised, due in most cases to factors such as a fatty diet, the habitual consumption of alcohol or the accumulation of toxic agents, it can cause the suffering of certain conditions and the appearance of some symptoms, such as the bitter taste in the mouth. Other signs that may indicate that the liver is not working properly they are nausea, diarrhea, upper abdominal pain, changes in urine and stool, jaundice or psychological disturbances. We recommend that you expand on this information by consulting the article Symptoms that indicate liver problems.

Why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth - Diseases that affect the liver

Consumption of some medications

In addition to the above, another of the causes of bitter taste in mouth may be the taking some medications and drugs. Among those that most often cause this condition are antidepressants, antibiotics and vitamins indicated for pregnant women.

In the event that this is the cause and the bitter taste generates great discomfort, the doctor in question should be informed to see if there is the possibility of modifying the current treatment.

How to remove the bitter taste in the mouth?

As we have seen, the bitter taste in the mouth can be caused by many different factors, so the most important thing is go to a specialist so that you can indicate the exact origin of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment in each case.

On the other hand, if the sensation appears in the morning when you wake up due exclusively to the presence of bacteria, you should brush your teeth properly and use a mouthwash so that that unpleasant taste disappears.

Likewise, to prevent it from appearing due to some type of liver problem, it is recommended to include those in the daily diet foods that help detoxify the body, among which fresh vegetables and fruits stand out. Find out which are the best options by consulting the articles Foods to detoxify the body and Foods to cleanse the liver.

Why do I have a bitter taste in my mouth - How to remove the bitter taste in my mouth?

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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