What are the properties of alfalfa

What are the properties of alfalfa

Image: produccionvegetalunrc.com

The alfalfa It is a herbaceous plant that is part of the Fabaceae or leguminosae family. Due to its many nutritional and medicinal properties, this herb has been used as food for livestock. During the last years, its consumption among humans has been spreading to the point of being part of our daily diet. It is characterized by having the odd-pinnate leaves of green color and flowers in purple tones. If you want to know what are the properties of alfalfa and start benefiting from them, don’t miss this OneHowTo article.

Steps to follow:


One of his nutritional properties best known is its high content of vitamin A, four times more than most vegetables. Also, its high percentage of vitamins B, E and K, make this herb a fundamental food in our diet. We can take it in salads or prepare an infusion. Keep in mind that all the properties are in the sheets.


Alfalfa is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and proteins, so it is ideal for all those who suffer from bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, or need to increase their iron levels. In addition, in its composition are some of the essential amino acids that we can only obtain through certain foods, since our body does not manufacture them.


Due to the saponins that make up alfalfa, numerous studies show that favors the reduction of high cholesterol and plaque deposits on arterial walls. In this way, it represents one of the most effective home remedies to prevent cardiovascular diseases and strokes. One of the ways to take it is in juice, yes, it is not recommended to mix it with lemon, the ideal is to mix it with carrot juice.


Thanks to your high chlorophyll content, alfalfa is ideal to combat all those problems of halitosis or bad breath. The best way to do it is through its infusion. Chlorophyll also helps fight respiratory diseases and strengthen the lungs.


Another of the medicinal properties of alfalfa is that it’s diuretic, which favors the secretion of urine and, therefore, combats fluid retention. This also allows to purify both the kidneys and the liver, avoiding the appearance of diseases such as an inflamed or fatty liver.


Alfalfa also has antioxidant properties, ideal for treating minor skin problems, such as pimples and the presence of oil. Start including this very beneficial herb in your diet and take advantage of all its healing and nutritional properties.

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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