How to care for orchids – Practical care guide

How to care for orchids

Orchids are beautiful and elegant flowers, perfect for adding a unique decorative touch to any space. But, in addition to standing out for its beauty, this plant is known for being very delicate, since it requires important care to be perfect and in good condition throughout the duration of its flowering, as well as to be well maintained for the rest of the year. weather. In oneHOWTO we explain how to care for orchids and make them look healthy, beautiful and flourish well. Discover below a practical guide with tips to give the best care to your orchid.

The importance of knowing the orchid species

It is very important know the species specific of the plant that we have, since each species of orchid can have specific care. Thus, even if you know in a general way how to take care of them, the caring for your orchid they may be somewhat different and some changes may be vital. In stores we can mainly find orchids Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya, Vanda and Cambrias.

The tips that we explain here are used for most of the kinds of orchids that you will find in the market, however we recommend that when you acquire one you consult the specialist who sells it to you about its possible peculiarities in care, that is, for the care that they may be different from the general ones.

How to care for orchids - The importance of knowing the orchid species

Where to put an orchid at home

An important aspect for take care of your orchid at home and keeping it healthy is the space in which you will place it. They are delicate plants that require to be in a very well lit spacebut without direct sunlight or they could burn and wilt. If, on the other hand, the plant does not receive enough light, it is very possible that it will not flower, or that it will appear brown and with an unhealthy appearance. Therefore, choose a place where it is close to a window to receive sunlight but far enough away from the glass that the sun’s rays do not hit it directly.

Also, it has to be a place of easy ventilation, since the orchids do not support the loaded environment, neither vapors, nor fumes, nor pollution. Although they do not need to be in the middle of a constant air stream, it should be a place that you can ventilate at times throughout the day.

As soon as you find a place where you see that the plant grows, develops well and flourishes, do not change it.

Remember that orchids need special pots, so to choose a suitable pot or pot for your plant, it is best to consult with your supplier which is the ideal alternative for the species you have. You can then place it in a decorative pot to make it look better, but remember to change both as the plant grows.

How To Care For Orchids - Where To Place An Orchid At Home

Temperature and humidity to care for orchids

If you live in a country with seasons it is important that you know that orchids cannot withstand extreme heat or cold, since they have a tropical climate and, therefore, in these cases you should always keep the plant indoors. Generally, an orchid should never be at temperatures below 10ºC or above 30ºC.

It is important that you determine which species of orchid you have to give it the perfect temperature for your particular needs. Some species may even require a 10ºC difference between the daytime and nighttime temperatures for flowering to take place. These types of small details make it essential to know what type of plant we are caring for.

Orchids require a climate with 35% or 40% humidity. If you live in a dry area it is very important that you try to offer this plant similar conditions to those it originally requires, for example by installing the damp clay balls at the bottom of the pot, placing a humidifier in the area where your orchid is, or grouping this plant with others so that together they generate a slightly more humid climate.

Watering the orchids

Another vital aspect of caring for these plants is irrigation. So, these are the tips on how to water an orchid correctly:

  • It is necessary to use soft water with low mineralization, so if you live in a hard water area you should use filtered or purchased bottled water.
  • If you wonder how often you have to water them, keep in mind that it is necessary to spend time between waterings so that, in this way, the substrate dries completely. In addition, in winter they have to be spaced more than in summer.
  • The roots of these plants are very reliable indicators of the humidity in the substrate, so to be sure if you can water them now or if you still have to wait a few days you will have to look at them. If they are green, it is because they still contain enough water, but when they turn whitish, they no longer have moisture left and they need water.
  • The best method is immersion irrigation from the roots, but if it is watered from the surface with a watering machine it is necessary to make sure that it is well soaked as well as that the excess water drains well.
  • For care for an orchid It is necessary to take into account not to exceed in the irrigation or the roots could rot, that is to say, it is necessary to avoid the waterlogging. To avoid this, and at the same time keep them moist, a good idea is to place balls of clay moistened with water at the base of the pot, which will help the orchids to be in perfect condition. Also make sure that the substrate drains well and does not retain excess water, something that you will be guaranteed if you use substrate for orchids, made with bark, and if you avoid the use of topsoil.
  • Another important point for watering and maintaining humidity are water vaporisations, especially in summer, taking into account that it never gets direct sunlight to avoid burning, since with water the burn would be greater.

Orchid watering by immersion

To use this method of watering orchids it is necessary to use a somewhat deep container and fill it with water until the pot is almost covered, but the water does not reach the surface of it and does not cover the base of the plant. The time may vary from plant to plant, but with 10 minutes it is usually enough for the roots to absorb all the water they need. Then you have to let it drain well before putting it back in a decorative pot, since this would retain the water.

In this other unCOMO article you will be able to know how immersion irrigation works, which will be very useful even if it refers to the care of bonsai, since the technique is the same. Also, here you can read more about How to water orchids.

How to care for orchids - Watering the orchids

Fertilizer for orchids

It is very important that the plant receives nutrients and the best way to obtain them is through specific fertilizers for orchids, which you can get in specialized stores. At the moment just before the beginning of the period in which the plant is going to flower, you can add fertilizer and vitamins to the irrigation water, in order to keep your plant beautiful and healthy.

It is necessary not to use fertilizer with nutrients and vitamins in each irrigation, since this would produce an excess of salts and nutrients that would damage the plant. Thus, it is necessary to irrigate with water alone in between the irrigations with compost, either purchased or natural compost made at home.

Flowering and pruning of orchids

The orchid bloom it is individual, that is, it is a factor that depends on the species and that each plant can have different periods. Only when optimal conditions are in place and you are in good health will the plant flourish. It is normal that when you move it from the store to home it will be late in blooming or lose the flowers it had, but as soon as it gets used to it and recovers it will bloom again.

Once the last flower has fallen, you can prune your orchid By cutting its poles from the base, you will get a new healthy flower bud when it is time for the plant to flower again. Here you can learn more about how to prune an orchid.

Orchids are beautiful and very delicate plants that require specific conditions and care to stay healthy and beautiful. If you follow these instructions you will make your orchids look perfect year after year.

Finally, if your orchid looks bad, here is how to revive an orchid.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to care for orchidsWe recommend that you enter our Gardening and Plants category.