6 positions to make love with clothes

6 positions to make love with clothes - the best

Many times, either because we do not have places to make love, or because of the rush of that fiery moment, we end up making love with clothes. We may even like this type of act so much that we look for positions to make love with clothes, in order to have sex in public places, such as a beach at night.

Whatever the reason that has brought you here, rest assured that in this oneHOWTO article we will tell you about the best 6 positions to make love with clothes. Enjoy!

Is it bad to make love with clothes?

Many people wonder if making love is bad. The answer is noIt is not bad to have sex with clothes, nor can you get pregnant by making love with clothes. Those who wonder this often refer to simply rubbing their genitals with pants or underwear on. However, this is not a cause for concern, as for a woman to become pregnant, the man would first have to ejaculate, and second, he would have to ejaculate inside her vagina.

Of course, if you have had genital friction and the man has ejaculated in your panties, right at the entrance of the vagina, although it is practically unlikely, you can always take a pill the day after to stay more calm, although we repeat that it is practically impossible to stay pregnant in these conditions. Yes, remember do not abuse this pill, since it is not advisable to take more than 2 a year.

6 positions to make love with clothes - the best - Is it bad to make love with clothes?

Sexual position: the missionary

If what you are interested in is looking for sexual positions to make love in public places, the missionary is ideal if you are on the beach at night, in a forest, or in another place where you have to hide. Ideally, in this case, the girl should wear a skirt and panties that are quite elastic, to be able to separate them for penetration, without having to remove them.

In this case, the guy can get on top of the girl, slightly lowering his pants. You can put your arms around each other so that it appears that you are simply hugging. It is also recommended that the boy wears a somewhat large and wide t-shirt, so that I can cover his butt (in case he is seen) and so that he can also hide what is happening between you.

If you want more information about the missionary, you can find it in this other article on Sex Positions: The Missionary.

Sexual position: the spoon

Another position for making love with clothes is the spoon. This is ideal if, for example, there are more people at home and you want to do it quickly and with some caution (in case you get caught, of course). To do this pose, you have several options, although the best are these two:

  • Wear skirt: If the girl has a long and wide skirt, it is a perfect option to make love with clothes. Since with the skirt you can cover both your genitals and hide your action.
  • Tuck under the coversAnother option is to get under the sheets and make the spoon. So it will appear that you are taking a nap. The clothes to wear here are already your choice: pajamas, underwear and a T-shirt …

Of course, if someone enters … remember to pretend to be asleep! You will find more information in Sex positions: La Cuchara.

Sexual position: the jellyfish

Another of the best positions to make love with clothes, wherever you are, is the jellyfish. With this posture, you can be sitting somewhere and make love without being noticed. Of course, if you are discreet in your movements and make sure that practically nothing happens there.

With the jellyfish, the man sits down and she gets on top of him, as we can see in this other article here on Postures for sex: The Medusa. The recommendation for this position is the same as for the previous ones: ideally, she should wear a skirt, preferably long and wide.

6 positions to make love with clothes - the best ones - Sexual position: the jellyfish

Sexual posture: dressage

Nor can you miss this other ideal position to have sex with clothes: dressage. Here the boy will also be sitting, and she will be on top of him. Unlike the previous position, in this the woman may turn her back to him, so that the sexual act is further disguised.

If she also wears a very wide shirt, he could put his hands inside it and touch her breasts without being noticed. If you want more information, you will find it in this other article here: Sex positions: Dressage.

Sexual position: the puppy

Another ideal position to make love with clothes is the puppy. It can be both the traditional puppy (he on his knees and she on all fours) as well as the standing puppy. This pose is ideal if you have a great sexual desire and you want to do it like crazy, without any patience. Lowering both your pants a little will be enough.

Although if what you want is to do it in a public place, remember that it is best for her to wear a skirt and elastic panties. Nevertheless, this position is not discreet at all, so if what you want is to do it in a public place with clothes, it is best that you look for a very secluded place, like a forest. Otherwise they might see you and you might even get in trouble if someone calls the police over a public scandal.

Sexual position: the hug

Another very good option to have sex without taking your clothes off is the hug posture. In this one, the man takes the girl in his arms and she wraps her legs around his hips. In this way, deep penetration can be achieved. So that it is not so exhausting for him, there is the option to support the girl against the wall.

Since she has to have her legs spread, It is best to wear a wide skirt to be able to perform this position without problems. In his case, his pants are likely to fall off, even if he is careful. If you are in a place where they cannot see you, nothing happens, but otherwise, the girl could grab his pants with her legs to prevent them from falling.

6 positions to make love with clothes - the best ones - Sexual position: the hug

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