When does winter time arrive in Spain?

Throughout the year, in Spain it is customary to change the hour up to two occasions, well moving the clock forward or back one hour. Depending on the month in which we are, we will modify your hands or your digits to start with the summer schedule or with the Winter time.

The first is usually carried out in March, putting our clocks forward one hour, while the second is done at the end of October and it is delayed one hour. At this point we are now, at the gates of winter time.

However, and despite the fact that it is something that has been done for decades, there are still many clueless and clueless people who do not remember what day winter time starts or whether to set the clock forward or backward.

Time change

The change to winter time this year falls on October 31, 2021 and the clocks will be delayed one hour

According to Directive 2000/84 / EC of the Council of the European Community, the change from summer to winter time will be carried out the last sunday in october, which this year falls on the 31st of the same month.

Therefore, during the early morning from October 30 to 31, 2021 the clock will have to be turned back one hour so that 03:00 a.m. will become 02:00 a.m..

In the Canary Islands, where it is always one hour behind, the clock is changed one hour earlier, so at 02:00 a.m. it will become 01:00 a.m..

Winter time

The winter schedule allows you to take advantage of more sunlight during the mornings, since it rises earlier

The reason for this modification is because the winter days are shorter and there are fewer hours of sunshine. With winter time, dawn earlier and therefore can take more advantage of the sunlight.

It also gets dark earlier, so the natural light that can be used in the afternoons will be much less.

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