The stomach cancer It originates from the cells that line the lining of the stomach. age, diet and having suffered from any gastric disease can increase the risk of developing it. This type of cancer is more common in men over 40 years of age and its main symptom is abdominal pain and in its initial stage it rarely causes symptoms, which makes it difficult to make an effective diagnosis to prevent its progression. In OneHowTo we explain what are the first symptoms of stomach cancer.
Steps to follow:
Some of the symptoms that occur may be associated with other ailments, such as stomach ulcers. However, the presence of these signs for a long time is a wake-up call for you to visit your doctor and thus, to be able to prevent more serious conditions.
One of the first symptoms of stomach cancer It is the loss of appetite, accompanied by weight loss without trying, as well as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness after eating, excessive belching, stomach indigestion constant and nausea.
When stomach cancer has advanced, it presents with swallowing problems, which will get worse, stomach pains, vomiting blood, black stools, jaundice or yellowing of the skin and eyes, as well as accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
There are some factors that can increase the risk of suffering from this disease:
- Having had an infection by Helicobacter pylori.
- Suffering from chronic gastritis.
- Have pernicious anemia.
- Family background.
- Smoke.
- Eat a diet low in fruits and vegetables.
- Be a man and over 40 years old.
- Eat a diet high in salt, as well as smoked foods.
It is likely that stomach cancer is diagnosed when it is in an advanced stage, in addition to the initial symptoms, they can be related to other gastric problems. The way to diagnose this disease is through a series of tests that will include:
- Physical examination where all the signs described above are evaluated, as well as the appearance of lumps in the abdominal area.
- Blood count, mainly to rule out anemia.
- Chemical study of blood to verify that no substance is being released improperly.
- And one endoscopy To check for irregular areas in the stomach and intestine area, a biopsy will also be done, which will remove some of the stomach tissue to check for signs of cancer.
If you have any of the symptoms described above, do not hesitate to consult a gastroenterologist, since it is the doctor who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. On the other hand, there are some measures that can reduce the risk of stomach cancer:
- If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, ulcers or if you have an infection by Helicobacter pylori, follow the treatment recommended by the specialist.
- Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid cigarettes.
Remember that there is a better chance of recovery if the cancer is detected early, and the effectiveness of the treatment will also depend on the general health of the patient.
This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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