Risks of paracetamol in pregnancy

The paracetamol It is one of the painkillers that is prescribed to pregnant women as long as it is strictly necessary. Therefore, as long as it is taken in the recommended doses, it does not have to have harmful effects during pregnancy.

This medicine is a derivative of acetanilide and is used to relieve pain and fever. Hence more than 60% of pregnant women use it during pregnancy without any prescription. However, few are aware that paracetamol is capable of crossing the placental barrier, that is, that it can reach the fetus.

What do the experts say about paracetamol in pregnancy?

A study published by the International Journal of Epidemiology affirms that its use as a medicine during the gestation period can be harmful if it is not taken in the indicated dose and under medical consultation.

Therefore, it is very important raise awareness among pregnant women that they should not be medicated without consulting their doctor or gynecologist to find out what are the possible risks of paracetamol in pregnancy.

Above all during the first trimester of pregnancy where, in favor of the benefit of the fetus and the mother, natural remedies are used so that they do not affect the future baby. Even so, it is very important, before any ailment or discomfort consult a specialist before self-medicating.

These are the risks of paracetamol in pregnancy

Next, we leave a list with the main risks of paracetamol in pregnancy.

Possible increase in asthma and allergies

Numerous studies assure that the abuse of paracetamol increases by up to one 35% chance, during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, of suffering from asthma or other derived pathologies such as allergies.

Cryptorchidism or lack of descent of the testes

If paracetamol is consumed for too long, about 4 weeks, the risk of cryptorchidism in the fetus increases. As in other risks derived from the consumption of this medicine, it increases if it is during the first two trimesters of pregnancy. This happens because paracetamol blocks cyclooxygenase, a vital enzyme for the synthesis of testosterone.

Possible effects on neurodevelopment

A study carried out in 2013 concluded that mothers who had consumed paracetamol for more than 28 days compared to those who had not, had a higher percentage than children manifested a worse motor development and up to 37% more chances of developing ADHD.

Possible risk of preterm delivery

It is possible that the consumption of paracetamol increases the risk of preterm delivery in those women with preeclampsia, a disease that occurs only during pregnancy and that causes power surges and protein elimination. In fact, it can increase the risk of PE or pulmonary embolism and DVT or deep vein thrombosis. If you suffer from any of these diseases, the use of paracetamol is not recommended, especially during the third trimester.

It should also be noted that to date it has not been proven that the consumption of paracetamol increases the chances of miscarriage. Similarly, it also does not carry the risk of stillbirth, small fetuses, or preterm delivery, as long as the pregnant woman does not have pre-eclampsia.

In general terms, it is concluded that paracetamol is not a drug that carries risks if consumed little and during periods that do not exceed 72 hours in a row.

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms occur in case of illness and never self-medicate.


Rebordosa, C. (2009). Paracetamol use during pregnancy (Doctoral dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelona). “
Taboada Lugo, N., Lardoeyt Ferrer, R., López Cárdenas, MS, & Arcas Ermeso, G. (2004). Use of medications during pregnancy and their possible teratogenic effect. Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine, 20 (4), 0-0.
Villanueva, LA, Martínez Ayala, H., & García Lara, E. (1998). Drug use in pregnancy. Ginecol. obstet. Mex, 423-7.

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