Meaning of the elephant as an animal of power

Meaning of the elephant as an animal of power

Since ancient times, the vast majority of animals have been associated with certain characteristics or situations. Each culture and religion assigns different qualities to each species, so that a person can be identified or associated with a particular animal. This is a custom that today is maintained in a large number of towns, especially in Asia and Africa, where the figure of the animal works as a totem for the person and even defines him within the community.

It is very common that despite not living in those communities that underline the importance of having a totem, we feel represented by an animal, sometimes unconsciously or by a feeling of affinity. Does this happen to you with the figure of the elephant? In a HOWTO, we explain the meaning of the elephant as an animal of power.

Meaning of the elephant in the family

The elephant is one of the most represented animals in all cultures and one of those with the most associated meanings closely related to power and strength. In fact, in some countries the elephant has great spiritual significance and is used to represent the gods.

One of the most representative concepts of the elephant is the family. If the relationships that elephants maintain as a community are studied, the family is the bond that unites them at all times. It is based on the sense of responsibility, especially, from the oldest to the smallest. Within this community, the most respected are the oldest, who are followed at all times.

Elephants also represent loyalty and determination, since within their relationships they are always loyal within their group and always fight to defend any member of the group when they are in danger.

The elephant as a symbol of strength and intelligence

Another of the meanings of the elephant as an animal of power is strength. It is one of the animals present on Earth that has the most strength and, therefore, it is considered by other species as beings to worship. Therefore, if you are a person who is characterized by a strong personality, who has no problem solving any problem that comes his way and who tackles them in a brave and decisive way, you can consider the elephant as your totem animal. It is also important that you know that another of the main characteristics of this animal is the obstinacy, so if you are a person who does not change your mind easily, you can also feel identified with the elephant.

Apart from the strength and fortitude that characterize it, the elephant is also an animal that stands out for its intelligence. In fact, it is considered as one of the smartest mammals of known species. For this reason, they are also incorporated into the daily life of a large number of communities of human beings in Asian countries such as India or China. They help the displacement of both people and objects and are capable of making decisions in times of danger in an appropriate way.

Meaning of the elephant as an animal of power - The elephant as a symbol of strength and intelligence

The elephant as a symbol of luck and health

As we have already explained before, there are in some cultures that the image of the elephant is used to represent the gods. Specifically, in India Ganesha (who is also known as Ganesh), who is the goddess of good luck and abundance, is praised. In fact, if you are thinking of starting to develop a project as a new business, you can use this deity as a totem, since according to the Hindus, it has the power to eliminate all obstacles that arise to achieve success. In the western world, it is increasingly common to find elephant figures in offices and other businesses. It is said that if they stand with their backs to the door and with their trunks pointing to the ceiling, it will call abundance and prosperity, getting a large amount of money and consolidating the company. You can also consult our article on How to place the lucky elephant according to Feng Shui.

Another of the meanings of the elephant as a totem is the health protection. More and more people in Western societies wear a small figure, on bracelets or pendants, of an elephant to ensure that they are healthy at certain times. Eastern societies have relied on this animal to protect their health since ancient times, as they are part of their culture and religion.

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