Jordi El Niño Polla’s unexpected confession about his girlfriend

Jordi The Kid Cock‘he returned this Thursday to’The Endurance‘, a program to which he had already attended as a guest in April 2018, becoming the most watched interview in the history of’ late night ‘, with almost 9 million views on his channel. Youtube.

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On this occasion, the most popular Spanish porn actor on planet Earth also wanted to review his facet as an entrepreneur, since with only 24 years he wanted to take another step in his professional sector and has become a producer of porn films.

At one point in the interview, David Broncano he asked Angel Muñoz (which is actually called) if he had employees in his production company, and if there were “relatives or close people” who were part of this new project of the popular interpreter.

“Well, my girlfriend …”, he replied Jordi IN P‘to the surprise of the presenter and the audience present. “He talks to the actresses, meets them, takes care of the issue of the contract, explains them,” he continued before Broncano I interrupted him laughing.

“What do you explain to them?” Asked the curious Galician presenter. “The postures they have to do, that they look more at the camera, when they have to look at the camera, when not, what they have to say,” the guest continued to explain to the general revelry.

In this second interview the actor was noticed much looser that the first time he came as a guest to La Resistencia. We could say that Jordi ‘ENP’ has loosened up a bit.