How to Remove Deodorant Stains

How to remove old deodorant stains

Has it ever happened to you that you have applied deodorant and it has left you the typical White stain in the clothes? All deodorants are products that leave a mark on clothes due to their composition of greasy substances, which adhere to our clothes. However, some of these substances are so aggressive that, despite washing clothes more than once, they cause permanent marks on our shirts and blouses.

When this happens and you have tried different stain removers without getting results, it is normal for you to ask yourself: “How to remove deodorant stains?”. In the following oneHOWTO article, we explain how to remove old deodorant stains. Try some of our homemade tricks and wear your shirts again as if they were brand new and brand-free.

How to remove deodorant stains from clothes – tips

Deodorant stains are a common problem for many people. Whether in colored clothing or white clothing, the components of some deodorants are more likely to remain fixed in the fabrics. If you run into this problem, keep these tips in mind so you know how to avoid and how to remove deodorant stains on clothes:

  • If you see deodorant stains on your clothes, wash them as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more the mark will set.
  • Before washing your clothes, let them soak in a stain remover or one of the homemade products that we recommend later on.
  • If, in addition to stains, the clothes smell like sweat, you can follow the advice we give you in our article How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.
  • To avoid the appearance of new stains, wait for the deodorant to dry before dressing and going outside to give it time to dry.
  • Do not use more deodorant than necessary, as it can accumulate and facilitate the appearance of white or yellow spots.

Next, we tell you the 8 most effective tricks to remove old deodorant stains and forget about stains once and for all.

Baking soda for clothes stains

One of the most effective tricks for removing older deodorant stains from clothing is a rinse made with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. For one thing, this mix features powerful whitening properties that manage to attenuate the darkest marks. On the other, its antiseptic and astringent power eliminates both the accumulation of bacteria and the greasy compounds of the deodorant that adhere to our clothes.

To prepare this home remedy we will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon dish soap

To prepare it and apply it to your clothes, we will follow these steps:

  1. Mix the baking soda together with the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in a bowl. We use this product as it helps to eliminate the accumulated fat in the stain.
  2. Apply the mixture to old deodorant stains on a certain garment.
  3. When you have impregnated the marks with the remedy, let it act on the clothes for 1-2 hours.
  4. Finally, wash the clothes in the usual way.

This homemade trick is ideal for remove deodorant stains from dark clothing, although it also works on white clothing. In this other article we tell you how to use baking soda for stains.

How to Remove Old Deodorant Stains - Baking Soda for Clothes Stains

Remove old deodorant stains with sea salt

Another very popular remedy for removing older deodorant stains is the use of sea salt. This natural product has excellent exfoliating properties Thanks to its texture which helps to disintegrate both deodorant and sweat marks from clothes.

Also due to its power antiseptic, sea salt also helps to eliminate the odor of this type of product, leaving the stained garment clean and without bad odors.

To use sea salt to remove stains, just keep the following steps in mind:

  1. Wet the piece of the garment where the stains are, and then add a little salt on top.
  2. Let the seasoning work for 8-12 hours.
  3. Once the indicated time has passed, you will have to re-wet the garment and add a little more salt to the deodorant stains.
  4. Then rub the garment so that the salt acts as an exfoliant, and when you’re done, wash the clothes in the usual way.

Lemon juice for deodorant brands

Lemon juice can also be a good remedy to remove the marks left by deodorant on clothes, especially if you want to know how to remove yellow stains from white clothes. On the one hand, it is a powerful bleach that manages to lighten the typical yellowish stains that occur with the mixture of deodorant and sweat. On the other hand, it has antiseptic properties that eliminate both the compounds of this type of products and the bad smell left by these marks.

To take advantage of its properties, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze one of its pieces on the deodorant stains in the armpits.
  2. Let the liquid work on the garment for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Finally wash the clothes by hand and rinse them with warm water.

Lemon is the perfect trick for removing underarm deodorant stains from clothing, thanks to its whitening effects. If you want to know more about How to use lemon as a bleach for clothes, we invite you to click on the link and discover everything you need to forget about stains.

How To Remove Old Deodorant Stains - Lemon Juice For Deodorant Marks

White vinegar for stains

White vinegar also removes even the oldest deodorant stains from a garment. Thanks to its richness in different acids, white vinegar has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties Therefore, it eliminates both the marks left by these products and the accumulation of bacteria in that area.

Next, we discover the steps you have to follow to remove those annoying stains on clothes:

  1. Heat 4 liters of water in a large pot and then add 125 ml of white vinegar to the same container. Stir the ingredients so that they are well diluted.
  2. When you have the rinse ready, take a glass of the mixture and add the remedy to the old deodorant stains on a certain garment.
  3. Let it work for a few hours and then wash your clothes in the usual way.

More tricks to remove old deodorant stains

In addition to the above tips, you can also try some of the following home remedies to remove stains from clothes:

  1. Alcohol: its antiseptic properties help to especially remove deodorant stains on dark garments. Wet the stain with a little alcohol and let it act for a few minutes until you notice that the mark is disappearing.
  2. Ammonia: it is a product that has a powerful cleaning effect that removes even the most embedded stains on clothing. Mix the ammonia with a little water and apply the mixture to the stains. Let it work for a few minutes and then rinse the garment.
  3. Meat tenderizer: This seasoning is used to remove deodorant marks as it has exfoliating properties. Mix 3 tablespoons of softener with 3 tablespoons of water, apply the mixture to the stain and rub it in for a couple of minutes. Leave it to work for 12 hours and then wash it in the usual way.
How to Remove Old Deodorant Stains - More Tricks to Remove Old Deodorant Stains

How to remove hardened deodorant from clothes

The use of deodorants, while necessary for most people, can easily damage the armpits from clothing. The more deodorant accumulates on the shirts, the more stiff and stiff the fabric will feel. Then, How to remove the hardened deodorant? You can do it with aspirin, as they have excellent stain removal qualities. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Pour two aspirin tablets into half a cup of water and let them dissolve.
  2. Apply the mixture to the armpits of the shirts and let the garments soak for a few hours before washing them.
  3. Pour a few drops of liquid detergent on your armpits and rub to wash.
  4. Wash shirts as usual.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to remove old deodorant stains, we recommend that you enter our Home Cleaning category.