How to get rid of foot fungus

How to get rid of foot fungus

Do youYou have fungus on your feet? Then you will be interested in knowing how to eliminate them, for example, using bleach or home remedies such as apple cider vinegar, garlic or tea tree, in addition to following certain habits that will help you get rid of them and prevent them from reappearing. The feet are a part of the body that most people neglect and fungi can easily appear on them, which are very annoying since they cause itching, excessive sweating, bad smell, etc. However, the feet are as important as the other parts of our body and, therefore, we must take care of them and keep them healthy. In addition, the aesthetics of the feet is also very important, imagine how terrible it would look to wear beautiful sandals or fantastic heels with very neglected feet! For all this, if you have neglected them, do not worry, because in a HOWTO we will teach you how to get rid of foot fungus.

Wash your feet well to eliminate fungus

Every day when you take a bath make sure to wash your feet well to remove all dirt and bacteria as well fungus formation will be prevented. By following this advice you will also be able to avoid the bad smell and you will not have to worry about thinking about how to eliminate the bad smell on the feet.

To wash them well, brush the soles of the feet, the sides, the nails, and between the toes with soap and water, then rinse with plenty of water until the soap is thoroughly removed. Also keep in mind that for this area it will be much better use an antibacterial soap, especially if you have begun to feel any discomfort such as itching or excessive sweating.

How to get rid of foot fungus - Wash your feet well to get rid of fungus

A good drying to avoid and treat foot fungus

No matter how in a hurry you are, after washing your feet take some time to dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Avoid leaving them damp, since moisture favors fungi and helps them to proliferate quickly, creating the ideal environment for these unpleasant hosts of our skin. Therefore, another key point on how to remove foot fungus, as well as to prevent them, is undoubtedly keep feet dry so that their skin and nails are not a suitable environment for fungi.

How to eliminate foot fungus - A good drying to avoid and treat foot fungus

Bleach water to treat foot fungus

Place in a bowl warm water, add a plug of bleach and soak your feet for 30 minutes, then dry them well. Repeat the procedure every other day for two weeks and then once a week to avoid foot fungus. Chlorine will dry out the skin, so you should apply moisturizer at night, despite this it is a simple and effective way to kill fungus and improve the health of your feet.

But if you wonder how to cure foot fungus naturallyPay attention to the next section and avoid chemical products.

Natural remedies to eliminate foot fungus

In order to eliminate foot fungus, you can take advantage of the antibacterial properties of some natural remedies that will help you reduce this infection and regain the health of your feet. Next, we are going to show you some of the best home remedies for foot fungus thanks to which you will be able to recover, once again, your full health.

Apple cider vinegar for mushrooms

You can also try remove foot fungus soaking a cotton ball in Apple vinager and press it gently for 20 minutes on the affected area. Like chlorine, vinegar has the ability to reduce fungi and prevent their proliferation. In this OneHowTo article we tell you specifically how to use apple cider vinegar for mushrooms.

Garlic, ideal for treating foot fungus

Among the medicinal properties of garlic we highlight that it is an antibacterial that will help us eliminate any infection in the skin and, thus, recover our health. It is considered as a natural antibiotic because it manages to eliminate germs or any other infection. To take advantage of its benefits, you just have to crush 10 cloves of garlic and mix the paste with a little warm water, let it rest and then soak your feet in this mixture for 15 minutes.

Natural yogurt, ideal for mushrooms

The probiotics that natural yogurts provide us are ideal to be able to stop an infection such as fungi since the live bacteria in this dairy fight against that of the infectious agent that is putting our health at risk. To take advantage of these benefits, you just have to apply a little yogurt on the feet and let it act for 10 or 15 minutes, rinse and repeat the treatment 1 time a day.

Tea tree oil for foot fungus

This natural oil is also ideal for cure foot fungus because it acts as an antiseptic that eliminates microorganisms that are endangering our health. To take advantage of its properties, all you have to do is apply this oil directly to the infected area and let it penetrate inside your skin. You can repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a day and you will improve the condition of your foot.

How To Get Rid Of Foot Fungus - Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Foot Fungus

Proper socks to prevent and remove foot fungus

Use cotton socks and change them every day, in case your feet sweat a lot, change them several times a day. It is important that the material of the socks is cotton to allow your feet to breathe properly, preventing sweating. Other more synthetic fabrics will make you sweat more, creating an environment of unwanted humidity, remember that humidity together with heat are ideal for the formation of fungi.

How to cure foot fungus by changing shoes

If you have foot fungus These are also likely to proliferate on your shoes, so change or wash them well to remove bacteria, then add some talcum powder. In addition, it is important to bear in mind that the best shoes to prevent fungi are those made of leather and other natural products such as vegetable fibers, as they allow adequate foot perspirationOn the contrary, plastic and synthetic materials increase perspiration.

Thus, especially if its proliferation is advanced, just changing your shoes will not help you cure the fungus completely, but it is something fundamental to achieve it, because if the fungus remains in your shoes or socks you will only constantly infect yourself.

Toenail fungus

It is known as onychomycosis the nail fungus invasion, a condition that causes the appearance of yellow spots and an unpleasant appearance of these. It is more common for this to occur on the toenails, although fingernail fungus can also appear. To discover more about this condition, we invite you to read our article on how to cure nail fungus.

What to do to prevent foot fungus

Once you already know how to remove fungus from feet and that you manage to eliminate them, you must take into account the methods that you have to follow to avoid being infected with the bacteria that has caused this condition. Here are some tips to prevent foot fungus, apart from the previous ones that serve both to treat and to improve a preventive routine, take note:

  • Wear the right footwear: avoid plastic or synthetic shoes and opt for those made of natural materials such as leather or some vegetable fibers.
  • Dry your feet well: After each wash, try to dry your feet well with towels to prevent moisture from being stored in any area. Remember that fungi appear because of the humidity so be careful when you wash them.
  • Talcum powder: to avoid sweating and, thus, the appearance of moisture on the feet, a good way to do this is by applying talcum powder after each shower and / or on the shoes.
  • Do not go barefoot: try never to go barefoot and, even less, in public areas such as bathrooms or swimming pools. Fungi are highly contagious and if someone has it, you can probably have it too so always wear shoes.

In this oneHOWTO article we give you more tips on how to prevent foot fungus so that you know how to protect your feet from infections.

How To Get Rid Of Foot Fungus - What To Do To Prevent Foot Fungus

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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