How to clean white quartz – 8 steps

How to clean white quartz

The quartz It is a mineral widely used in female accessories especially: necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. In addition, it is a stone that collects and transmits a lot of cargo energetic due to its composition. For this reason, it is advisable to clean the white quartz quite frequently so that in this way, it remains free of harmful energies. Follow the advice we give you in OneHowTo for him maintenance of your white quartz.

Steps to follow:


First of all, if what you simply want is to clean the white quartz of dirt, without further ado, pass it a damp cloth soaked in some soap that does not harm it, some neutral soap. It is the most basic way to maintain your cleanliness.


In some jewelry or specialized center they can help you find chemical products that serve to clean your white quartz. Follow the professional’s instructions carefully so that your quartz does not spoil.


If in addition to cleaning it you want to eliminate the energies that may have accumulated, you have to follow the following very simple steps, which will allow you to enjoy a pristine and immaculate white quartz. First take a glass with coarse salt, fill it two fingers.


Put your quartz in the layer of salt that you have put in the glass and keep adding more salt, until cover your stone. Let it be completely covered, up to, if necessary, the edge of the glass.


Do it at night, before going to bed. Leave it alone resting all night, to be able to be in a place where the brightness of the moonlight can be appreciated, it is the most advisable.


The next morning, wash your hands before you get ready to continue cleaning your quartz. When you have them clean, extract the quartz from the salt of the glass.


Let the cold tap water at considerable pressure. Put your quartz underneath and holding it well, make it bathe and clean itself of the remains of salt.


Put it to dry on a plate, on a glass surface, in an area where no objects interfere. Leave it to dry for 24 hours so that no water remains. When you have it very dry, you can use your quartz very clean of energies. Avoid any other hand touching it so that the energies do not mix.

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  • Always consult a professional.
  • Do not mix your quartz with any other object.