How long to wait to shower after eating

How long to wait to shower after eating

We have grown up surrounded by myths: do not swallow the gum or it will make a ball in your stomach, do not pretend that you are cross-eyed that you are going to stay like that, behave yourself or the coconut will come looking for you. Of course, our parents made us realize that life was not easy since we were little and that everything we did could have consequences, including that well-deserved swim in the beach or the pool after having eaten something. There are things that remain in the subconscious so we keep wondering how long to wait to shower after eatingThat’s why at we give you the answer that, we guarantee, will surprise you.

The digestion cut, the biggest myth of all

As you read, digestion is not cut off much less when our skin comes into contact with water. All those sunny days that you have spent in the shade waiting to digest to bathe have been in vain because immersing yourself in the sea or in the pool after eating will not do you any harm except in very extreme circumstances.

What is erroneously known as a digestion cut is nothing more than a hydrocution syncope that occurs only in particular situations when we decide to take a bath in water that is suddenly very cold. This can produce severe dizziness that can lead to loss of consciousness, something extremely dangerous when we are in the sea or the pool since it can lead to drowning. Specialists indicate that this can occur without the need to have previously eaten, simply because of the temperature shock our body experiences, so digestion has nothing to do with this.

Additionally, the process of digesting food can take our body up to 4 hours, meaning that if we had to wait to digest everything before taking a dip, the wait would undoubtedly be long.

How long do you have to wait to shower after eating?

Having explained all the above, you can already deduce what is the logical answer to this question: no waiting to shower after eating, you can do it whenever you want. Yes, your parents have lied to you, and you know from experience that this is not the first time and that they have done it many more times.

Whenever you go to take a shower, whether you have finished eating or not, it is important that the water is warm And if you decide to take a bath with cold water, you come into contact with it little by little, thus allowing your body to gradually get used to the cold without suffering a syncope. This recommendation is especially important when your body is very hot, for example after exercising, arriving from the beach or after having sweated a lot.

You should also take this suggestion into account when you decide to take a dip in the pool, sea or river: if the water is very cold, it enters little by little, so if your body begins to experience the symptoms of hydrocution, you can go out or ask for help.

How long to wait to shower after eating - How long to wait to shower after eating?

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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