How and when to prune roses so that they give more flowers

How and when to prune roses

The pruning rose bushes It is the most important care that a rose bush requires, in addition to watering it every time it is required. It is the way to eliminate dead wood and thus have beautiful roses. In this way, prune the rose bush at least once a year, although various pruning can be done.

If you follow exactly what we are going to explain in this article, you will be able to get some hot, beautiful and healthy roses, you just have to know how and when to prune them. Pruning is the way to eliminate dead wood and thus have beautiful roses. Besides teaching you how to care for a rose bush, in a HOWTO we explain in detail how and when to prune a rose bush so that it gives more roses.

When to prune rose bushes

The month of March It is the most suitable for pruning the rose bush, once the cold season has passed and, especially, the frosts. You will know that it is the right time to prune the rose bush when the days begin to get longer, in the last weeks of winter. Some types of rose bushes benefit most from pruning in February, and if you live in a mild climate, you can also prune them earlier.

Likewise, we can complement it with a pruning roses in summer (late in the season) to remove dead wood debris and wilted flowers. With this maintenance pruning we will be able to strengthen the rose bush to withstand the cold of winter.

The first pruning is essential and more important than the second, but if you want to keep your rose bush in optimal conditions so that it gives more flowers and grows strong, we recommend doing the two prunings.

When its flowering season arrives, you can enjoy some beautiful roses and harvest them. Find out in this article how to keep rose petals fresh so they last as long as possible.

How and when to prune roses - When to prune rose bushes

What do you need to prune a rose

To prune the essential tool is the scissors, but depending on the type of pruning, the species and its size, it will be necessary to use different types of scissors. To carry out the pruning of the rose bush, you will need some pruning shears well sharpened for a clean cut. You can use bypass shears to cut thinner branches and anvil scissors to clean thicker ones.

In addition, it is highly recommended to use a glove to catch the branches of the rose bush and thus not prick ourselves. If the rose bush is very large, a telescopic bypass scissor with an extendable handle will be useful. It is very important that the scissors are in good condition and that the pruning cut is oblique.

How and When to Prune Roses - What You Need to Prune a Rose

How to prune a rose bush so that it gives more roses – step by step

To carry out the pruning of the rose bush, you must cut in a bevel and always try to do it above the buds. You will be able to identify the buds because they are of a lighter green than the rest of the branch, sometimes pinkish. Follow these steps and cleaning the rose bushes will be much easier:

  1. Eliminate wilted leaves and fruits, as well as all the branches or wood that you see dry. All branches showing signs of drying out should be removed.
  2. Remove the pacifiers. Suckers are stems that do not produce flowers and compete for plant nutrients. You will recognize them because their leaves are light green and smaller, and they also have many thorns.
  3. Keep young branches and those that have buds, since more roses will come out of them.
  4. Cut the vigorous branches by above the fourth or fifth yolkas it will be able to feed the four or five shoots that emerge from it. If you come across a weak branch, leave it with a maximum of one or two buds.
  5. Make the cuts approximately one centimeter above the buds.
  6. Get rid of the branches that are growing with a different orientation to that of the rest of the ramado.
  7. Sharp scissors are very important, as the cut must be clean at an angle of about 45 degrees.
  8. At the end of the pruning, clean the base of the rose bush well and add a layer of about 3 centimeters of compost and spray calcium polysulfide to protect the cuts. Repeat the application after 15 days.

If you want to transfer your roses from one place to another or plant new ones, in this oneHOWTO article we will tell you How to graft roses.

How and when to prune roses - How to prune a rose bush so that it gives more roses - step by step

Tips for caring for a rose bush

And we cannot close this article without giving you a series of recommendations so that you take proper care of your rose bushes and they grow strong and healthy. Take note of these tips:

  • Don’t put the plants too close together or very close to a wall, since roses need a lot of sun, air and, above all, space to grow.
  • Do not leave leaves from the previous season on the land that surrounds the rose bush, since they may have a disease that destroys your rose bushes.
  • Water your rose bush during the day, but do not do it in times of high heat so that the water does not dry out before the plant can absorb it. If you water them at night, mold can form.
  • The rose bushes need enough hours of sunshine a day, at least 6 hours, to develop without problems.
  • The soil where you plant your rose bush must have a good drainage to avoid puddling and accumulation of water that can rot the plant.
  • Eliminate withered rosess so that it does not harm the growth of the rest.
  • Performed a correct pruning according to the type of rose bush as we have shown you in previous points.
  • Take preventative measures to avoid pests in your rose bushes.

If you want to know more about the care of rose bushes throughout the year, be sure to visit our article How to care for a rose bush.

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