One of the most difficult issues to understand and internalize about the Spanish language is the division of the words into syllables. Sometimes, we find words that have two vowels together, which must follow a normative rule of separation. When these two vowels must be joined within the same syllable, a diphthong. On the contrary, when the norm indicates that we must separate the two vowels into different syllables, we are faced with a hiatus. To better understand this question, which will help us so much to write without spelling mistakes, at we explain you in detail how to form a diphthong.
Steps to follow:
The vowels are divided into two groups, according to the position of the organs of the mouth when pronouncing them:
- Vowels weak or closed those that maintain a closed position, these are “i“,”or“
- Vowels strong or open in their pronunciation they keep their mouths open: “to“,”and“,”or“.
This differentiation must be very clear to understand how a diphthong is formed.
The first combination to form a diphthong is from a strong vowel followed by weak: ai, au, ei, eu, oi, ou; these are known as decreasing diphthongs.
- Examples: paisajes, stopI heardco.
The second possible combination to form a diphthong is created by joining a weak vowel followed by a strong vowel: ia, ie, io, ua, ue, uo. Thus the increasing diphthongs.
- Examples: violeta, olduo.
And the last possible combination that the diphthong makes possible is done by means of the union of two weak vowels: iu, ui. This is known as the homogeneous diphthong.
We find a total of 14 combinations different that give rise to the 14 types of diphthongs of the Castilian language.
On the other hand, diphthong will not be formed when they coincide two strong vowelsInstead, they are considered separate syllables.
Attention! Likewise, when one of the weak vowels is accentuated, diphthong does not occur, it disappears and gives rise to a hiatus.
The “h” it is mute and, therefore, the interspersed axes do not prevent the formation of diphthongs.
The “and” at the end of the word it acts as an “i” and, therefore, makes the formation of the diphthong possible.
Diphthongs follow general rule of accentuation. Of the combination, only the open vowel (a, e, o) is stressed. In the case of homogeneous diphthongs, formed by two closed vowels, the accent will always fall on the second of them. You can see here how to stress the words in Spanish correctly.
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- Reading a lot will make it possible to expand well-written vocabulary.
- Be patient and careful when writing and follow the rules.
- Be attentive to the rules of the Spanish language as they change and change.