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Security Experts Concerned About Strange NordVpn Traffic ByBill Toulas-April 27, 2019.113 NordVpn continues to follow odd data communication protocols that experts find it difficult to understand. The official explanation is that helping people circumvent the blocks is all an anti-censorship tool. Most experts agree the contact looks strange but think it’s harmless. An growing number of security experts warn that there is an alarmingly suspicious type of traffic deriving from the NordVpn app. What the people who have researched this to a point say is that the program contacts three domains that are obviously “garbage” held by none (until recently) and basically does what botnet machines interacting with C C servers do. NordVpn denies unequivocally that anything suspicious is happening and has justified this as a counter-blocking tool. This wasn’t the case until recently, though.