Google Redesigns Its Security

Google Arrives on Combat Alexa and Siri at Ces 2018ByThoinot Arbeau-January 7 2018.872When it comes to voice assistant, two items are of prime importance for Google. The first is to make Google Assistant available on as much hardware as possible. The second is to allow it to fit well with all the other innovative devices that slither into the homes of people. As Google says its assistant is now compatible with over 1500 devices from over 225 brand manufacturers. That’s essential as the trend of last year. These patterns were all about unison-worked home devices. If this trend continues this year, we’ll see.

Alexa and Siri Are Not Google’s Only Threat

In the case of digital assistants, the market is becoming increasingly diverse and smaller players are becoming hungry – they also want a piece of cake. As we wrote in front of her own voice assistant and in 2018 she is making big plans for her. It may not be a game-changer yet but it’s certainly something that Google and Amazon will aim for.

Last Thoughts

Do you intend to go to Ces 2018 this year? Were you excited about the launch of Google at Ces 2018? After the show wraps up, can we expect some drastic changes in the industry and on the market? Let’s choose your brain!