The writer Fernando Clemot was born in 1970 in the city of Barcelona.
Despite the fact that he has written works of diverse literary genres, he is highly recognized, in a special way, for his stories.
In 2006 he released his first work, a story with the title of “The coffee of the Portuguese”.
In 2009, Fernando published his work “Estancos del Chiado”. It is an anthology made up of twelve stories that Clemot had written, each of which had previously received a separate award. With this work he managed to win the Setenil Award, in addition to becoming Finalist for the National Narrative Award.
In this same year 2009, he also published his first novel, which was entitled “The Gulf of Poets”. The work was very well received, to the point that the Ministry of Culture, together with the State Book Agency, chose it to represent Spain at the Budapest Book Fair, specifically in the First Novel Festival.
His second novel is published in 2011. It is about “The book of wonders”. And, the following year, he published another work of stories, this time with the title “Unforgettable safaris”.
Clemot works at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he directs the creative narrative workshops. This experience has served as the basis for the publication of the book “How to assemble and disassemble a story”.
Fernando also collaborates in well-known magazines, both as a literary critic and as a columnist. Among them we can cite “Literature Magazine“,”South Parallel“,”Chimera“,”Barcarole” and others.
The stories of this writer are currently part of a large number of prestigious anthologies, where the best authors of stories of the moment can be found, such as “On the other side of the mirror. Swimming upstream“,”XXI century. The new names of the current Spanish story“,”In a stanza of water and other stories“Or”The conjugal knot and other stories”, Among many other works.