Emilio Botn – Biography of Emilio Botn

Emilio Botín was born in Santander, Cantabria on October 1, 1934. He studied in Gijón at the Colegio de la Inmaculada de la Compañía de Jesús and graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid and in Economics at the University of Deusto in Bilbao.

Coming from a family of bankers, he entered the Santander Bank and in a short time he climbed positions until he replaced his father in the position of president. Its methods are very revolutionary and it breaks agreements with other entities for not agreeing with its “modus operandi”. Agree with other foreign banks in Portugal, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Morocco. Participate in the purchase of other banks throughout America.

He marries the Marchioness Paloma O’Shea and has six children; Ana Patricia, Carmen, Emilio, Jorge, Federico and Javier. Carme Botín was the wife of golf champion Severiano Ballesteros.

Emilio Botín acquires Banesto in a somewhat peculiar way, so the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office investigates the bank and amputates a tax crime from the banker.

A short time later, it merged with the Banco Central Hispano, and from this union the Banco Santander Central Hispano was born, which according to the magazine Euromoney It is the best bank in the world due to the way it manages itself and makes itself known in many cities around the world.

Emilio Botín owns the largest number of shares in his bank, his stake being 0.951% with a total of 78.738 million shares.

In each merger there are rumors about some unclear details, which is why the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has initiated investigations into the mergers of Banco Santander with the Central Hispano and Banesto. He and his children have also been investigated for the alleged fraud and tax evasion on Swiss accounts.

Renowned bank executives such as; Rafael Alonso Botín, Matías Rodríguez Inciarte, Rodrigo Echenique Gordillo, Ignacio Benjumea Cabeza de Vaca, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Cantarero, Dimas Blanco Valdivieso, José Luis Díez Fernández, Juan Secades, José María Espí, Ángel Corcóstegui and José María Amusátegui.

Even so, they have had enough skill to evade legal cases and it has not been possible to prove any type of guilt or crime in their actions.