Modlishka Hacking Tool Will Bypass 2Fa Protection on Your Online Accounts ByNitish Singh-January 9, 2019.639 Figure 1 Picture Courtesy of Cnet A security researcher has created a tool capable of circumventing Sms and 2Fa protection based on email. The method had been tested on websites such as Yahoo and Gmail. The Modlishka platform utilizes reverse proxies to collect data from target users.If you want to protect yourself against tools like Modlishka your best bet is to use authentication based on apps instead of Sms or one-time codes as they can be intercepted. If hackers want to steal private information that is far less likely to be compromised than email or Sms-based authentication, device-based authentication will allow the official app to become infected. Visual security keys are also possible for desktop and laptop users, as no publicly known methods are available to compromise them. Join our Forum Discussions.