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Ai can reconstruct Hidden Movement from Analyzing ShadowsByBill Toulas-December 9, 2019.032 By analyzing the movement of shadows, the device reconstructs scenes which occur outside the field of view. In some situations, this may allow us to improve protection rates but it is also potentially a threat to our privacy. The Mit Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has developed a novel Ai device capable of deducting concealed movement by shadow analysis. The researchers demonstrated their development capability by playing videos and pointing the Ai’s camera to the other side of the room. Having nothing else to use the Ai succeeds in reconstructing the people’s secret performances in the video to at least some impressive level. This is the first time we see a proposal like this being materialized but since 2017 Mit scientists have hypothesized that this is practically possible. The team then used smartphone cameras to capture details about light and see how reflections and variations in brightness contribute to movement in a concealed scene. They quickly realized that there were a lot of data hidden in the “penumbra” generated from the source of light, and that it would be a matter of creating a strong Ai that could turn these subtle changes into effect. Fast forward to today and the pioneers have the following to prove to the world that you can see around the corner. The team discusses systems such as this one could be crucial in emergency situations involving people in need of help. For example, a firefighter team could quickly find people and take more focused action to avoid delays which could cost lives. Another example would be to allow self-driving cars to detect pedestrians outside their field of view, or even traditional cars to alert the driver about their blind spot movements. Certainly there are a whole range of benefits that can come from implementing this type of technology but there are also obviously drawbacks.