Luc Besson age

More details about Luc Besson Years and Income, Biogprahygraphy, Years, Birth date, Real heightened, Early Life, Ancestry, Love Affairs, Partner, Talks

About Luc Besson:

Luc Besson is a Popular Director. He birth on March 18, 1959 and his birthplace is Paris, France. Luc is also well known as, Director of the 1994 film Leon: The Professional, which featured the big screen debut of actress Natalie Portman. He also co-wrote and produced the 2008 thriller Taken and directed the 1997 sci-fi film The Fifth Element.

Luc is originated from France. Jean Reno starred as the title character in Besson’s 1994 film Leon: The Professional.


Biogprahy / Wiki
Real name Luc Besson
Profession Director
Years 62
Birth date March 18, 1959
Homeland Paris, France
Star sign Pisces
State France
Sexuality Male

Birth date, Years & Star sign:

Luc Besson birth day is on 18-Mar-59 and he birth on Wednesday. He is now 62 aged. Luc star sign is Pisces and his incipient flower is Daffodil.

Birth date 18-Mar
Birth day Wednesday
birth year 1959
Sign of birth Pisces
Sign of birth Duality Passive
Sign of birth Modality & Element Mutable Water
Opposite Sign Virgo

Real heightened, Real height & Physical Stats:

Luc Besson is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Real heightened 1.73 m ( 5′ 8″ )
Real height Not Available
Bust – Waist – Hip Not Available
Real hair color Not Available
Real Eye color Not Available
Real size of shoe Not Available

Early Life and Ancestry:

Before he was Popular, He birth to a pair of scuba instructors and planned on becoming a marine biologist. He started writing stories in his late teens and at age 18, he moved to Paris and began working various jobs on film sets while also directing his own short films. His relationship status is Wedded. He is Wedded to Milla Jovovich.

Ancestry Information
Name of Father and Mother
Spouse Name Milla Jovovich, Anne Parillaud, Maiwenn, Virginie Silla
Children Name
Number of Children(s) Not Available
Partner Name Not Available
Relative(s) Name


University Not Available
Institute Not Available
Academy Not Available

Luc Besson Years and Income:

Luc Besson net worth or net income is estimated to be $100 Ten Hundred Thousanddollars. He has made such amount of wealth from his primary career as Screenwriter, Film Producer, Film Director, Television Producer, Actor.

Years and Income $100 Ten Hundred Thousand/td>
Annual Salary Not Available
Employment Director
Confirmation of wealth position Verified

Lifeless or Lively?

According to wikipedia latest update, he is still alive.

Sharp details

Right here are some fascinating details of Luc Besson:

* In 2000, he co-founded the film company EuropaCorp.

* Luc Besson is a French film director, writer, and producer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Newspapers.