How to lighten the skin of the face

How to lighten the skin of the face

You have a dark skin and you want to reduce the tone a bit? At oneHOWTO we propose some completely natural home remedies to achieve this. And there are many people who would like to wear a healthier face, with a uniform and bright skin tone. If you also want to reduce the darkness a bit in some areas and do fade stains brown on your face, this article is ideal for you.

Lemon juice, milk, chamomile, avocado oil or yogurt are some of the multiple ingredients with which you can make your homemade recipes for whiten skin. Keep reading and do not lose detail about how to lighten the skin of the face effectively and safely.

How to lighten the skin with lemon juice

One of the home remedies that has the most properties for help whiten skin of the face is lemon juice, a food with great antibacterial and antioxidant properties

Not sure how to whiten skin with lemon?

  1. Mix an egg white with the juice of half a natural lemon. The egg will act as a facial mask that will help tighten your skin and will allow the lemon juice to act much better.
  2. Put the mixture on your face and let it work for about 10 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, rinse with cold water and pat your face dry without rubbing.

Carrying out this routine for at least a week, you will notice how your skin tone gradually lightens. It will be great for you!

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to lighten the skin with lemon juice

How to whiten your face with milk or yogurt

Dairy they are excellent products for lighten the skin of the face mainly due to its multiple properties. In the past, milk baths were already used to repair the skin, so it is not surprising that most bleaching products contain some amount of this ingredient.

With a milk bath on the face You will be able to reduce blackheads and clarify your skin noticeably, so if you are wondering how to whiten your skin with milk, you will only have to soak a towel with a few drops of milk and gently rub your face.

Another dairy that guarantees the nutrition of our skin is the yogurt; with a Honey and yogurt mask you will be able to soften the face and at the same time clarify the skin.

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to whiten the face with milk or yogurt

How to whiten skin with potatoes

The multiple properties of potatoes make them ideal beauty products, and their juice is perfect for lighten the skin of the face Natural way. The recipe that we propose has grated potato and a teaspoon of honey:

  1. Mix both products in a bowl and mix well, so that it is a paste.
  2. Apply this mask on your face and let it work for 20 minutes.
  3. After this time, rinse with cold water and dry your skin gently.

In this recipe it is essential to add honey, since it will act as smoothing and exfoliating and it will remove the dead skin from your face, thus giving way to a more uniform and luminous complexion.

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to whiten the skin with potatoes

How to lighten the skin with chamomile

Herbs have been part of therapeutic and beauty remedies since time immemorial, so to clarify the skin they were not going to be less … with a Chamomile infusion You will be able to reduce the tone of your skin and, on the other hand, treat the bags under the eyes or the puffiness.

  1. Make a chamomile infusion and store the sachets in the fridge.
  2. After a few minutes, remove the bags from the fridge and apply them to your face.
  3. For this remedy to be effective, you will need to repeat the routine for a couple of weeks.

If you want to focus the benefits of chamomile for eye puffiness, leave them on your closed eyelids for 10 minutes. In this other oneHOWTO article we also talk about How to remove puffy eyes.

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to lighten the skin with chamomile

How to whiten your face with avocado and papaya

Fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals, which is why they can help us improve the condition of our skin. If your intention is lighten the face or remove blemishes dark skin, a good option is to use avocado oil.

Applying it to your face before going to sleep will not only help you whiten and heal your skin, but it will also serve as a natural make-up remover and moisturizer. Also, another fruit that can help you clear your face It is green or orange papaya, thanks to its high papain content.

  1. Mix ripe and raw papaya and apply it on your face as a mask.
  2. Let it act for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rinse your face with cold water.

If you want to see better results, we recommend that you carry out this treatment every day.

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to whiten the face with avocado and papaya

How to whiten your face with almonds

Almonds are a very nutritious food that also works wonders on a cosmetic level. If you wish lighten the skin of the faceYou can count on its properties, as they will help you reduce dark spots on your face and increase its brightness.

  1. Mix a handful of almonds with milk and turmeric and let the result sit for a few minutes.
  2. Before going to sleep, make a puree with the ingredients and place the mask on your face.
  3. Let it work for about 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse your face with cold water before going to sleep.
How to lighten the skin of the face - How to whiten the face with almonds

How to lighten the skin with paprika or tomato

If there is a good ingredient for facial treatments, that is paprika, which stands out for activate blood circulation of the face. On this occasion, we suggest that you use it to make a mask that helps you whiten your face:

  1. Crush red or green bell peppers to make the base of the mask.
  2. Place it on your face and let it act for about 15 minutes.
  3. Then remove it with warm water. With this mask you will recover the natural white of your face in a few days.

On the other hand, you should know that the tomato contains vitamin C, antioxidants and lycopene, a perfect nutritional set to keep your skin healthy and nourished. Many are the cosmetics that have this ingredient, as it turns out to be a natural bleach. We propose the following homemade recipe:

  1. Grate a couple of tomatoes, add a little natural lemon juice and a few drops of rose water.
  2. Apply the mask on your face and let it act for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rinse your face with plenty of water.

Carry out this routine daily for a few weeks and you will see your skin gradually clear up.

How to lighten the skin of the face - How to lighten the skin with paprika or tomato

How to whiten skin with baking soda

This is surely the home remedy par excellence if you wonder how to lighten the skin of the face quickly and effectively. And is that bicarbonate is a perfect exfoliant to treat acne and restore your face its color and natural light. If you want to learn how to lighten the skin on your face with baking soda, follow these steps:

  1. Mix the baking soda with a teaspoon of honey.
  2. When a paste has formed, apply the mixture to your face evenly.
  3. It is very important that you avoid the eye contour, as you could irritate your mucous membranes.
  4. Let the mixture work for 10 minutes.
  5. After that time, rinse your face with plenty of water.

It is important that you do not carry out this home remedy more than three times a week, as it could irritate your skin. If you want more information about How to use baking soda to lighten skin, do not forget to visit this other article of UNCOMO.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to lighten the skin of the face, we recommend that you enter our category of Beauty and Personal Care.