Fernando Cavenaghi – Biography of Fernando Cavenaghi

Cavenaghi is a soccer forward born in Argentina, famous for being a top scorer in repeated tournaments.

Fernando Ezequiel Cavenaghi was born on September 21, 1983 on General O’Brien, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He is the oldest of four siblings: Marcos, Belén and Nicolás and he shows a quality of person that very few have.

Everyone who has interviewed him can say the same: he is a simple boy, who evidently grew up in a not very urbanized town. He is humble and calm, and his voice is so warm that it makes talking to him a pleasure.

Since he was little he played soccer whenever he could, when he came home from school in the morning. At all times.

His childhood was lived in Chacabuco, province of Buenos Aires, where he played for Club Rivadavia de Chacabuco.

He debuted in the first division of River plate in the 2001, after going through the ninth division from which he was soon drawn.

It was goal scorer of the Tournament Closing 2002, which he won along with several renowned teammates such as: Ariel Ortega, Saviola, D’alessandro, Comizzo, Angel, Aimar and many others.

In the 2003 He was a key player in the Argentina Sub 20 football team.

With this team he was champion of the South American Tournament and in turn the player with the most goals in the World Cup.

In the 2005 signed up to leave at Spartak from Moscow on Russia. There his performance was excellent, but Cavenaghi asked for the pass since Russian football did not have the same charm as Latin American or European.

On December 2006 the Russians declared it transferable and soon after, the January 22, 2007 the Girondis of Bordeaux from France hired him to be his new forward.

Titles Obtained:

Clausura 2002 Tournament (River Plate)

Closing Tournament 2003 (River Plate)

Closing Tournament 2004 (River Plate)

South American Tournament 2003 Sub 20

Personal Distinctions:

Goleador Torneo Clausura 2002 (River Plate)

South American Tournament Goalscorer 2003 Sub 20

World Youth Soccer Scorer 2003