Encarna Paso – Biography of Encarna Paso

Encarna Paso was born in Madrid on March 25, 1931.

From a very young age, she already felt the vocation of an actress, joining an amateur theater group called “New art”. This served as a springboard for him to immediately switch to professional theater, forming part of various companies, including Milagros Leal and Ismael Merlo.

At that time, with only 16 years, he participated in a couple of films, “Anchor button” Y “Crazy Love”, The famous film by Juan de Orduña based on the life of Juana la Loca.

Despite having been away from her profession for some years, she has been one of the most prominent and well-known actresses in Spanish theater, especially since the late 1960s. It is on stage where she has developed most of her career. career, participating in works such as “You can be a killer“,”Bernarda Alba’s house“,”The finery of the deceased“,”Doña Rosita, the single“,”Electra“,”The death of a salesman“,”The Mousetrap“Or”I, Claudio”, Among many others also of great importance.

In the 70s he participated in some films on the big screen, such as La prima Angélica or Family Portrait.

It was in 1982 when Encarna reached the peak of her career in film. The opportunity was offered by José Luis Garci, by offering him a role in the film Beginning Again. In it he played Elena, the protagonist’s great love, played by Antonio Ferrandis, who returns to his country to relive his life before a fatal disease ends with him, reuniting with his youthful love. The feature film won the Oscar for the best foreign language film for the first time in Spain.

Later he took part in several more films, some of them of great quality, such as The Beehive, Continuous Session, Demons in the Garden or The Animated Forest.

In the 80s and 90s he also worked a lot on television, taking part in plays in programs such as Estudio 1 or in some series such as “Ramón y Cajal“,”Milk brothers“,”Second teaching“Or”Composite and no boyfriend”.

In 1983 he received the Mayte Theater Award for his performance in the play “The wild duck”. And, in this same year, he was also awarded the Cinematrographic Writers Circle Award for his performance in the Oscar-winning feature film “Start over”.