31 July The American President – comedy drama romance The Beach – adventure drama romance Blockers – comedy The Count of Monte Cristo – action adventure drama Crimes and Misdemeanors – comedy drama Dangerous Minds – history drama Dawn of the Dead – horror Freaky Friday – comedy family fantasy In the name of the Father – biography drama In t …

31 July

The American President – comedy drama romance The Beach – adventure drama romance Blockers – comedy The Count of Monte Cristo – action adventure drama Crimes and Misdemeanors – comedy drama Dangerous Minds – history drama Dawn of the Dead – horror Freaky Friday – comedy family fantasy In the name of the Father – biography drama In t …Users will be asked ‘ Download Location ‘ option to switch between the Sd card or the storage device. Android users – Grab your Sd card now, so there’s always space for more. Pic.twitter.com / Uqt2GsjPw5 — Netflix Us (@netflix) January 24, 2017 Offline download feature comes with some limitations that Netflix subscribers could download to multipleSd cards a lot of movies and TV shows and simply swap cards as required. Yet Netflix has set limits on how long it can take to access an offline video; most likely a week. Few movies or shows, after first playing the video, should be watched within the next 48 hours. Netflix has also added Drm to stop users from copying the files to a device to watch video on a bigger screen. The files are encoded in a format called “.nfv” which makes the content incompatible with media players on other devices. Get Netflix’s new version of Google Play now, and enjoy watching movies on your smartphone. No reports on the approved app list, but subscribers using devices running older versions of Android or no external storages will consider changing in the near future.